Learning Knitting & Crocheting

Hey there! If you had told me a year ago that I could knit and crochet, I would not have believed you. I always thought I did not have great coordination skills in my hands (yep, a limiting belief that does not serve me well).

How it started

Anyway, I learnt how to knit in December 2023! Thanks to my friends (who happen to be colleagues), S & Y (henceforth referred to as teachers), who recommended to start with fingerless gloves, ordered materials for a bunch of us, and also organised a learning session! I still remember how much my fingers were hurting few rows into my first project. I was left thinking “I strength train at the gym, is this how weak I am” (yep, a negative thought freely taking up headspace). When I mentioned this to my teacher, she said that it’s a beginner pain and I could probably hold the knitting needles a bit more loosely.

The first scarf that I was knitting for myself

I continued with more rows once I got home, and before I knew it, I ordered a lot more of the same coloured yarn to make a scarf. This was also the time I was going to India to spend time with family, and travel around with Gerben. (yep, I took a 3 month unpaid break earlier this year! More on that another time). I was soon able to knit while watching a TV series in the background, and took my parents by surprise. My mother was happy to see me with this new skill as it reminded her of her mother who could knit and crochet.

Soon after, I started buying all types of yarn and trying out knitting needles of different sizes. My first gift was a coaster for my brother. I was so surprised that he thought that this was a precious gift. I made a matching scarf for my dear friend, B! I did not make anything yet for Gerben (save for a test bookmark) because I learnt about the knitters “sweater curse”.

Itch for new skills

Love this yarn I got from India!

Once I felt saturated with making scarves and coasters, I leaned in on my urge to try out crochet. I borrowed crochet hooks my lovely mom in law, and watched some youtube tutorials. That led to a new identity - a self taught crocheter! I was quite excited and shared this back to my teachers, one of whom also (re)tried crochet! I have since made a top for myself (sizing got too big, need to fix!), a baby blanket for a mom-to-be friend, and a bunch of granny squares.

I did not expect to be able to knit and crochet, so I quite enjoyed the phase where I used simple patterns to get familiar with the skills. I also got great feedback from my teachers that my knitting style looked quite even and great! What else can a student dream of?


These two new hobbies opened up how I spend my time and money! They gave me the right amount of challenge without too much stress. At this point, I need to emphasise something that my therapist reminded me early on—to enjoy this new skill and not to pressure myself into gift-making or productivity modes. While that’s easier said than done, and with ups and downs, I am happy with how I managed this journey so far.

Something fun has been realising that I had friends in my circle who are knitting nerds as well. New memes, new tips, new ideas!

The big question

Will I reflect on how knitting made me a better professional? Or how it changed my life? or 5 lessons from knitting that you can apply to <whatever is your field of work>? Nope!

However, learning knitting and crochet have instilled a new confidence in me - that I can pick some new skills, that I can be terrible at something but still enjoy it, and that not every hobby has to made into a productive thing. I am also happy that it helps me focus better during meetings like company all-hands, or while watching TV series.

What’s next?

I want to continue learning new skills! I hope to make a sweater and socks for myself. I also want to finish some works in progress :D Do you want to try how to knit or crochet? Do you want to learn? I am happy to help!


Finding my spark


100 days of feelings